
        貓咪、狗狗早期結紮的概念其實早在北美的國家中已經實施超過25年之久了。早期結紮大約指的是貓咪、狗狗在6-14個星期之間所做的手術,而一般傳統的觀念是5-7個月才能做結紮手術的。然而一般人所認知的傳統觀念是有根據地,因為以前的幼兒麻醉技術(pediatric anesthetic techniques)尚未完全成熟,所以當時會提倡貓狗在較大時再做結紮,以確保貓咪與狗狗的安全。但是現在的醫術已經可以做,早期結紮已經不是不可能地。




        很多年間,早期結紮的安全性常常被質疑,主要的來源是一些對幼貓、犬麻醉的技術不是很熟悉的獸醫師們。他們質疑並認為早期節紮較容易造成公貓下泌尿道疾病(feline lower urinary tract disease)、影響骨骼的發展、以及貓咪日後的行為。然而這些的疑問在幾年後都被許多的研究報告一一地推翻。最近佛羅里達大學的一篇研究報告證實貓咪在第七週結紮與在第七個月結紮相比較,在身體與行為上並沒有明顯的改變。


        證明安全早期結紮的最重要例子是在麻薩諸塞州的愛護動物協會(Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 簡稱SPCA),協會裡的兩位獸醫師Michael Aronsohn Alicia Faggella已長時間實施早期結紮。在1993年的兩篇報告中,有詳細描述兩位醫生已結紮過的數百隻6-14週的小貓。他們擬定了麻醉的劑量,以及手術中需要特別注意的過程與規則。這些結紮的小貓的確需要在手術前、後、以及手術時給予特別地照顧,但是如果遵循他們所擬定的規則是簡單的,並不難。





Further Reading :

  1. Aronsohn MG, Faggella AM. Surgical techniques for neutering 6- to-14-week-old kittens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc Vol 202(1);53-55, 1993.


  2. Chalifoux A, Niemi G, Fanjoy P, Pukay B. Early spay-neutering of dogs and cats (letter). Canadian Veterinary Journal Vol 22; 381, 1981.


  3. Faggella AM, Aronsohn MG. Anesthetic techniques for neutering 6- to-14-week-old kittens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc Vol 202(1);56-62, 1993.


  4. Hosgood G. Anesthesia and surgical considerations in Hoskins JD (ed) Veterinary Pediatrics - dogs and cats from birth to six months, Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., p. 561, 1995.


  5. Lieberman LL. Advantages of early spaying and neutering (letter). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc Vol 181(5);420, 1982.


  6. Lieberman LL. A case for neutering pups and kittens at two months of age. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc Vol 191(5);518-521, 1987.


  7. Root MV, Johnston SD , Johnston GR, Olson PN. The effect of prepuberal and postpuberal gonadectomy on penile extrusion and urethral diameter in the domestic cat. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound Vol 37(5);363-366, 1996.


  8. Stubbs WP, Bloomberg MS. Implications of early neutering in the dog and cat. Seminars in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (Small Animal) Vol 10(1);8-12, 1995.


  9. Stubbs WP, Salmeri KR, Bloomberg MS. Early neutering of the dog and cat in Bonagura JD, Kirk RW (eds) Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XII Small Animal Practice, Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., p. 1037, 1995.


  10. Theran P. Early-age neutering of dogs and cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc Vol 202(6);914-917, 1993.






翻譯自Susan Little DVM’s “Early Spay/Neuter in the Cat”文章


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